Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Top 10 Reasons for Morning Exercise

Top 10 Reasons for Morning Exercise

Haven’t made up your mind for a morning workout yet? No problem! We have good reasons for you that will make you jump out of your bed and get into your trainers.
Before we give you the morning exercise “benefit list” it is important to understand the long term benefits of physical activity. If we look around us, we will find that almost two third of the adult population is either obese or overweight. One of the major factors of obesity is lack of physical activity.
Exercise is not only helpful in weight reduction but it also saves you from diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. It also improves your bone density and enhances your muscle strength. Moreover, regular exercise keeps depression away from you. A set of stretching exercises help increase your flexibility and reduce your chances of injuries.

Now let’s focus on the benefits of early morning workout:


If you want a consistent routine, then morning exercise is the best option for you. Researches show that 90% of the population with a regular exercise routine, are morning exercisers. Morning exercise enhances your ability to get up early and schedule your day ahead in a productive way.


The morning workout will fill up your body with tremendous amount of energy. If the first thing you do in the morning is exercise,  you will feel less fatigued throughout the day, proven by the researchers at the University of Texas. Thus, you can follow that old saying, “early to bed and early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise”.


Morning exercise helps combat food cravings. An experiment conducted at Brigham Young University proved that women following a 45 minute workout routine in the morning had a lesser craving for food. Moreover, people who exercise in the morning tend to eat less and make healthier choices of food throughout the day.


Morning exercise is very beneficial for a healthier brain. It has been proved by the researchers that morning exercise enhances your memory recall and other mental abilities. No need to rush for that “early morning cup of coffee”, a few minutes of exercise can substitute the “caffeine fix”. It has also been proven that your brain efficiency is increased and it lasts for almost 4 to 10 hours.


When you exercise, your body’s performance to deliver oxygen and other nutrients is boosted, as a result the health of your organs and muscles is enhanced. Morning exercise also promotes cardiovascular health.


Morning workout “jump starts” the rate of your metabolism and it remains elevated for 24 hours, as a result you burn more calories throughout the day. Studies reveal that the power of your body to burn fats is increased by 20%, if you exercise on an empty stomach.


Morning exercise gives you a sense of achievement, because you know you are taking good care of your body and mind. It keeps the stresses of your mind and you feel more relaxed throughout the day. When you exercise your body releases endorphins, a hormone associated with pleasure. This will help put you in a good mood throughout the day. Another stress relieving element of morning exercise is socializing. Yes! You can hit the gym with your best buddy or make new friends. Just unwind by sharing some juicy gossip while you work out.


For people with a very busy schedule it is difficult to take out time for a workout routine in the middle of the day. Early morning exercise is the best option for them. All you need to do is to make daily exercise routine, your first priority and wake up 30 to 45 minutes earlier. Morning exercise will help you maintain a better “work-life” balance.


It has been proven by researches that people who exercise on a daily basis not just enjoy quality sleep but also sleep for lesser hours. So instead of wasting your time sleeping, you can do something more productive.


Early morning workout means no more sweating throughout the day. Just a workout routine followed by a shower and voila!…. You end up with tidy looking hair, nice smelling body and a natural glow  (which is actually the workout flush).

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