Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Reason behind QWERTY keyboards

Why is the keyboard layout Q-W-E-R-T-Y and not simply A-B-C-D-F? Why were computer keyboards designed in the current format not in a alphabetical order. Is there any specific reason or it's just some random convention we are following?
It hasn’t been done randomly or just for fun, it has a very distinct and purposeful reason behind it.
The current format of the keyboard was devised long back in 1870’s by a gentleman named Christopher Sholes for the then typewriter.
Though, it definitely was not the first format to come up, it didn’t take much time to switch to this one.
Starting with lexicographic order i.e. A-B-C-D-E-F, after various trials and errors and taking hundreds of cases, Christopher Sholes gradually reached the Q-W-E-R-T-Y. It was really well received (evident from the fact that we still use it).
When the typewriter was invented, it used a metal bar to hold the character alphabets and the other end of the bar was attached to a linkage carrying a carriage with the coated ink.
When a key was struck, it would emboss its character on the paper placed beneath the carriage. However, when an operator learned to type at a great speed, a certain flaw was noticed.
When two letters were struck in quick succession, the bars of the typewriter would entangle and get jammed.
Christopher Sholes found a way out. He proposed that the letters of frequently used letter pairs should be in different rows.
For example, ‘C-H’, ‘S-T’, ’T-H’, ‘W-H’ and more.
He also formulated that to speed up the typing process, there has to be a regular alternation between two hands. So observing thousands of words, he placed the letters in way that most words would make use of both hands.
He also observed that almost every word in the dictionary carries a vowel.
According to him, the most frequently used vowel was ‘A’ and the most frequently used letter (non-vowel) was ‘S’. So he placed ‘A’ and ‘S’ together and chose to keep less common letters like ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘C’ around these.
This was complemented by placing fairly common letters like ‘M’, ‘N’, ‘L’, ‘K’, ‘O’, ‘P’ at right extremes to create a perfect alternation between both the hands.
All these factors tested with thousands of trials gave us the format that we still use and perhaps would be using till eternity.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Top 10 Reasons for Morning Exercise

Top 10 Reasons for Morning Exercise

Haven’t made up your mind for a morning workout yet? No problem! We have good reasons for you that will make you jump out of your bed and get into your trainers.
Before we give you the morning exercise “benefit list” it is important to understand the long term benefits of physical activity. If we look around us, we will find that almost two third of the adult population is either obese or overweight. One of the major factors of obesity is lack of physical activity.
Exercise is not only helpful in weight reduction but it also saves you from diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. It also improves your bone density and enhances your muscle strength. Moreover, regular exercise keeps depression away from you. A set of stretching exercises help increase your flexibility and reduce your chances of injuries.

Now let’s focus on the benefits of early morning workout:


If you want a consistent routine, then morning exercise is the best option for you. Researches show that 90% of the population with a regular exercise routine, are morning exercisers. Morning exercise enhances your ability to get up early and schedule your day ahead in a productive way.


The morning workout will fill up your body with tremendous amount of energy. If the first thing you do in the morning is exercise,  you will feel less fatigued throughout the day, proven by the researchers at the University of Texas. Thus, you can follow that old saying, “early to bed and early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise”.


Morning exercise helps combat food cravings. An experiment conducted at Brigham Young University proved that women following a 45 minute workout routine in the morning had a lesser craving for food. Moreover, people who exercise in the morning tend to eat less and make healthier choices of food throughout the day.


Morning exercise is very beneficial for a healthier brain. It has been proved by the researchers that morning exercise enhances your memory recall and other mental abilities. No need to rush for that “early morning cup of coffee”, a few minutes of exercise can substitute the “caffeine fix”. It has also been proven that your brain efficiency is increased and it lasts for almost 4 to 10 hours.


When you exercise, your body’s performance to deliver oxygen and other nutrients is boosted, as a result the health of your organs and muscles is enhanced. Morning exercise also promotes cardiovascular health.


Morning workout “jump starts” the rate of your metabolism and it remains elevated for 24 hours, as a result you burn more calories throughout the day. Studies reveal that the power of your body to burn fats is increased by 20%, if you exercise on an empty stomach.


Morning exercise gives you a sense of achievement, because you know you are taking good care of your body and mind. It keeps the stresses of your mind and you feel more relaxed throughout the day. When you exercise your body releases endorphins, a hormone associated with pleasure. This will help put you in a good mood throughout the day. Another stress relieving element of morning exercise is socializing. Yes! You can hit the gym with your best buddy or make new friends. Just unwind by sharing some juicy gossip while you work out.


For people with a very busy schedule it is difficult to take out time for a workout routine in the middle of the day. Early morning exercise is the best option for them. All you need to do is to make daily exercise routine, your first priority and wake up 30 to 45 minutes earlier. Morning exercise will help you maintain a better “work-life” balance.


It has been proven by researches that people who exercise on a daily basis not just enjoy quality sleep but also sleep for lesser hours. So instead of wasting your time sleeping, you can do something more productive.


Early morning workout means no more sweating throughout the day. Just a workout routine followed by a shower and voila!…. You end up with tidy looking hair, nice smelling body and a natural glow  (which is actually the workout flush).

Saturday, 8 August 2015

10 Bizarre Things Your Body does while You Sleep

Ever wondered what your body does when you fall asleep? While you are sleeping your body does a lot more than just dreaming and snoring. It is doing some things that might sound really bizarre. What’s that?? You will soon find out, but first just let us put you into deep, deep sleep (We are just asking you to imagine. Alright!).

Lie down and close your eyes and try to sleep. You have entered stage one of your sleep cycle. The scientists say that, there are four stages in a 90 minute sleep cycle. At this stage you are likely to wake up more easily because your muscles are not fully relaxed.

Now let’s begin our journey. Here are the 10 most bizarre things that are going to happen to your body while you are asleep.

1. Hypnagogic Jerk

So here you have it! The first bizarre thing that will happen to your body is the Hypnagogic Jerk. It will occur in the stage 1 of your sleep and can make your entire body shake. Now what happens is that, your body might misinterpret the sleep signals as falling and as a result, you might be awakened with a jolt. However, the scientists are still not very sure what actually causes the hypnagogic jerk. You can relax because it is completely harmless.

2. Temperature Drop

Now we take you to the stage two of your sleep cycle. You will spend half of the night at this stage and it’s not a very deep sleep. However, you will now become unaware of your surroundings. Your blood pressure and heart rate will slow down and there will be a drop in your body temperature also. Again, there is nothing to worry about as at this stage your vascular system is getting the rest it requires.

3. Hormone Production

Now you are falling into deepest sleep phase or shall we say that you have landed into stage 3 of your sleep cycle. At this stage your growth hormones get released. Growth hormones or HGH, regenerate the muscles, bone and almost every tissue of your body. Meanwhile, your blood sugar level will drop, that’s an indication that HGH is being released.

4. Your Breathing Stops. Yes!

You will spend 20% of your sleep cycle in this phase i.e. stage 3. It is where your muscles become completely relaxed and get loosen as a result the throat passage becomes narrow and your breathing slows down.

What’s more alarming is that 30% of the people stop breathing at this stage. You think it’s scary? There’s more scary stuff ahead.

You are more likely to snore at this stage if your nasal passage is blocked (reason could be a stuffy nose or trouble with your tonsils).

5. Sleep Talk

Another exciting thing that can happen during the stage 3 is that we might find you walking or talking while you are deep asleep. Sleep talking is actually a sleep disorder which occurs in 5% of the American population. Depression, illness and stress can also cause this condition. For most of the people, the session only lasts for about 30 seconds.

6. Bruxism

Not sure what Bruxism is? Clenching of teeth during sleep or Bruxism is very common in people who are under stress, or have a misaligned jaw. Many people discover this condition when they end up with sore muscles of the jaw or cracked teeth.

7. Your Height Increases

As we know that there are discs located in our spine which acts as a cushion for it. When we are in a standing position these discs are pressed down because of our body weight. While we sleep these discs get rehydrated and grow big as a result, there is an increase in our height. The doctors suggest sleeping in a fetal position in order to gain maximum height.

8. You Pass more Gas

Deep sleep results in the loosening of sphincter muscles, so you are likely to pass more gas while sleeping. Lucky for you that your sense of smell is reduced.

9. Sleep Paralysis

Now, as you move to the deepest stage of the sleep cycle or REM your arm and leg muscles will get paralyzed temporarily. The moment you wake up everything gets to normal. But there are situations when the paralysis lasts for a few seconds or even for a few minutes after you wake up. If you experience this situation do consult a physician as this could be indicating narcolepsy.

10. Your Eyes Twitch

While you are in the REM stage your eyes will constantly twitch i.e. they will move from side to side. The doctors are not very sure what causes this twitching but this is the phase where you will have most of your dreams. Here your 90 minute sleep cycle will get completed. If you take 8 hours sleep you will complete 5 sleep cycles. So you can wake up now!

This completes our list of 10 bizarre things your body does while you sleep

Monday, 3 August 2015

10 Strong Tips to Simplify Your life!!!!

Over the last decade or so life has consistently been enriched because of more and more facilities, on-going gadgets inventions and day by day increment in luxuries. This is quite exciting however during the same period of time, people have increased their love for materialistic things abruptly which has directly or indirectly reduced their overall happiness index. Now a days, we have more luxuries but less delights and high stress levels. We have more sugar, blood and heart patients then it used to be a decade back. The reason for all the stress and anxiety is simple that we are not living a simple life.

Below are some tips which can simplify your life and may amplify the happiness scale of your life.

1-    Avoid getting influenced: You don't have to follow every single trend in society. If your friend has purchased a new BMW, you don't need to buy a Mercedes to impress. Live for yourself not for others. If you purchase a high-end luxury car today, your love for this will end soon and you will be selling it at considerable financial loss though I am not forbidding to purchase luxury things once in a considerable duration of time.
2-   Avoid impulse buying: You don't need to buy every single gadget instantly which you like in this shop. Do your Needs Vs Wants analysis. Buy only if it is really increasing your peace of mind. Remember that now a days the standard life of every gadget (phone, tablet, laptop, jewelry etc) is more or less 6 months because of new and new products release by several companies.
3-   The 6 months Rule: Generally speaking, anything which has not been used in last 6 months will not be used in next 6 months most likely. Give such things (shoes, garments, toys, mobiles, house hold items) in charity. This will help spreading happiness in society and reducing your space at home.

4-   Avoid Credit Cards Usage: Avoid this as much as you can. Debt is a silent stress and eating up your mental health slowly. Your brain might get old while you are young at heart. You might develop high BP or sugar because of stress due to credit. Live a credit-free life.
5-   Learn to say No: Don't accept every single attractive offer from the bank representative or a car loan company. Do your "Needs Vs Wants" analysis. Careful spending is always recommended.
6-   Reduce too much social gatherings: Stay at home. Spend quality time with your spouse and kids for empowered relationships. You don't have to say yes every time to your friend who is coming to pick you from home to join another late night social get together.
7-   Reduce your love for money: Careful spending and saving is important but don't allow your brain to keep doing the calculations all day long. You love for money is pulling your brain strings and damaging your peace of mind silently. Stay away from too much thoughts about your financials.
8-   Less TV more Books: It is proven that people who watch more movies generate high level of stress. Read quality books to learn wisdom and attain high degree of happiness.
9-   Spend time with Nature: Instead of going to cinemas and malls repeatedly, spend time in parks. This will relax your brain, body and soul.
10- Change your eating habits: why eating lavish foods by visiting costly restaurants again and again in a week. The purpose of food is to fill your belly for some hours. So the suggestion here is to go for simpler and healthier food. Remember, most of the food items in the market are fried which are increasing your cholesterol level silently hence making you a heart patient in the long run!

Work on your real wealth and live a happy life !!!

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Pamban railway bridge

Pamban railway bridge was the first Indian  bridge which is built across the sea. It is generally referred  as The queen of Indian bridges . The efforts for built a bridge across Pamban channel (Palk strait) was proposed by 1870’s by british government  however the construction of Pamban bridge was commenced on 1911 and commissioned on 1914.

The bridge spans a length of 6776 feet (2.065 meters) and has 143 piers. There is a double leaf bascule  in the center of this bridge. This bascule section opens up and let the ships and boats to cross the pamban bridge over the sea.Based on the records averagely there are 10 to 15 large boats or ships (coast guard boats, cargo ships, container ships etc.,) pass beneath this bridge every month.

Astonishing Facts about Pamban Rail bridge

  • Second Longest sea bridge in India ( first longest till the opening of Bandra worli – sea link Mumbai on 2009).
  • The location of this bridge is world’s second highly corrosive environment next to Miami, US.
  • It is also Cyclone prone and high velocity wind zone.
  • The two hundred tonne bascule leaves are still operated manually by the workers .
  • This Rail bridge was shattered during the cyclone on December 26, 1964.
  • After the cyclone the Indian railway set a plan to repair the Pamban bridge , targeted in 6 months.
  • The bridge was renovated and restored again in just 46 days under the leadership of I.E.S officer E.sreedharan renowned as Metro man ( Recognition for this quick heal achievement he was given a Railway minister’s award, in that year.)
  • In 2014 Hundredth year celebration of the Pamban bridge was done