Sunday, 27 December 2015


Why Should I Analyze My Thoughts:

Quality of thoughts determines the level of peace of mind. Negative thoughts result in negative acts which in turn causes distraction in emotions, unstable behavior, frequent mood swings, family complications, lack of trustworthiness, financial mistakes, professional brawls and so on. Healthy thoughts result in more positive outcomes, high happiness index, better health and so on. So all in all your thoughts are defining your present and your future.

There are several reasons for negative thoughts including but not limited to your circumstances, your brought up, financial situations, family conflicts, job and family complications. While you may not be able to fix these reasons, it is highly recommended to analyze your thoughts and mitigate the negative impact as much as possible. If you remove the impurities from your thoughts you would be able to have a positive, focused and prosperous mind.

How to Analyze My Thoughts:

If you have seen a big aquarium, you must have noticed that the fish keep wandering here and there continuously. From right to left, bottom to up, here and there; all day long. They don't seem to be getting any specific advantage while doing so. Same is the case with human mind. When your head is on the pillow, your brain starts wandering here and there. Several times it is processing the thoughts which shouldn't be the point of concern at all. Though fish do not know this but you can control your wandering of brain by picking up a specific thought/subject and ask these questions:
a)    Why am I thinking about this subject? Is this subject related to others? Why am I thinking negative about someone? I should mind my own business. 
b)    What exactly is the issue? Is this something impacting (or going to impact) me or my family? Can I define my issue/question in one sentence clearly so that I can focus on the solution?
c)    How: can I resolve this issues? Is this doable? If not, can I take advice from others?. If I have the solution then what are the steps which needs to be taken?

How Can I Improve the standard of my Thoughts:
a)    Avoid thinking about unnecessary things specially related to others. Mind your own business. Posses a focused mind.
b)    Stop comparing yourself to others. It's an insult to yourself. You are a unique soul and you are independent on your living, your decisions and your destiny.
c)    Don't think of monetary gains too much. Excessive love for money and assets is the root of most of stresses. Work on your real wealth.
d)    Develop the habit of forgiving and letting things go off. If you are keeping the grudge in your brains for longer durations, you are killing yourself. Stress is a slow poison which deepens its roots your brain and destroy your physical and mental health.
e)    Read quality quotes or articles on positivity and try to absorb the message. This will kill the germs of negativity.
f)    Practice the habit of gratitude. Stop complaining, criticizing and blaming. When a negative thought comes in, convert it to positive by looking at the positive side of the issue.
g)    Instead of thinking about your 'wants' too much, think about your needs. This will reduce the magnitude of your focus because usually needs are limited but wants are too many. Adapt simple life style as it reduces unnecessary socio-economical issues.​

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

5 Recommendations for creating Deep Connections

Here is how I have formed the most deep connections in my life:
1. Tell The Truth.
Most of us talk on a surface level most of the time, and that’s fine for people with whom you don’t want to connect. But if you want to create real connections you have to say something real. This means you have to be honest. With yourself and with the other person. Being honest doesn’t mean being a jerk, but it does me showing up and saying what’s actually going on with you and the world you live in.
2. Ask good questions and then actually listen.
Learn to ask really good open ended questions and then listen closely to the answers.
Don’t just wait for your turn to talk. Take the time to really listen to what someone is saying. Take the time to reflect it back, to be clear on who this person is and what they care about.
Become a master at asking and listening and you will create powerful connections with those around you.
3. Spend extended periods of time with people.
We tend to interact with people in 10 – 30 minute chunks and that really isn’t enough time to get to know someone.
Instead make plans for a long slow hang*. When I say long and slow that’s what I mean. Shoot for spending 2 – 4 hours or more of relatively unstructured time with someone.
If you do this you’ll get to experience much more of who someone really is. You’ll begin to relax in their presence and that’s when the walls start to come down.
4. Do stuff for people.
Always be asking the question, “How can I help or how can I be of service?” Not directly but to yourself. Asking someone how to help them is nice, but it’s hard to answer.
Instead, if you notice a way to help, either just do it or offer it to them. Ask yourself, What would I like in this situation? What would help me if I was in there shoes? and offer to do that.
Deep connections are built on service. Not on horse trading.
5. Be continuously vulnerable.
The big key to deep connection is stepping into vulnerability again and again. When you’re vulnerable your connection ports are open, but when you’re guarded they’re not. So be open and vulnerable whenever possible.
Share what you’re scared of, what your hopes are, what you’re struggling with, your faults of character. And also listen to your friend’s problems and complaints without judgement or advice. Simply hear them, witness them, and hold them in your attention.
This is scary, but it’s also worth it. Step into vulnerability and your connections will deepen.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Two falcons.!!!

Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons from Arabia. They were peregrine falcons, the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. He gave the precious birds to his head falconer to be trained.
Months passed and one day the head falconer informed the king that though one of the falcons was flying majestically, soaring high in the sky, the other bird had not moved from its branch since the day it had arrived.
The king summoned healers and sorcerers from all the land to tend to the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly. He presented the task to the member of his court, but the next day, the king saw through the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its perch. Having tried everything else, the king thought to himself, "May be I need someone more familiar with the countryside to understand the nature of this problem." So he cried out to his court, "Go and get a farmer."
In the morning, the king was thrilled to see the falcon soaring high above the palace gardens. He said to his court, "Bring me the doer of this miracle."
The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king. The king asked him, "How did you make the falcon fly?"
With head bowed, the farmer said to the king, " It was very easy, your highness. I simply cut the branch of the tree where the bird was sitting."

Moral :-
We are all made to fly - to realize our incredible potential as human beings. But instead of doing that, we sit on our branches, clinging to the things that are familiar to us. The possibilities are endless, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered. We conform to the familiar, the comfortable, the mundane. So for the most part, our lives are mediocre instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling. So let us learn to destroy the branch of fear we cling to and free ourselves to the glory of flight..

Fear is one of the major blocking obstacles against your success. You tend to compromise with your circumstances and prefer to continue your status quo condition because you are afraid of making decisions. Since you lack in courage you cannot move forward in your life with liberty.

On the other hand successful people are those who take risks in life. Successful people understand that taking risks will lead them experience new horizons in their field, will give them more vision and more confidence,  give them wisdom and success by exposing them to more and more challenges and consequently help them achieve their dreams. Such people keep taking new risks in order to achieve what they want to achieve. Whenever there is a doubtful situation they take the next baby step in order to determine whether it is fine to move ahead. In case they fail, they take one step back and re-determine their direction using their analytical skills.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Taking care of your THOUGHTS...!!!

When surrounded by challenges, sometimes we all need a little extra nurturing, and that gentleness can come from loved ones, or just from ourselves. Also, enjoying the hot chocolate and the coffee, enjoying the cold drink and the ice cream, enjoying the brisk walk and the gym, enjoying the picnic and the party, enjoying the holiday - these are all things that help us replenish our energy and remain motivated to some extent when we've had a rough day.
 But remember that to remain constantly motivated you need to also take a look at the non-physical dimension of thoughts and feelings. Physical treatments, therapies and relaxation strategies will help you but they cannot change the way you think. Your thinking is the cause. And behind your thoughts, your beliefs are a deeper cause.
We need to pay much more attention to our thoughts and feelings, learn to manage them, learn to fill them with peace and calm, and then our personality will change for the better, as we restore our mental and then physical well-being and learn to remain motivated and fearless amidst challenges.
Remember no one else creates our thoughts and feelings, and they don't just happen, though it feels that way sometimes. When you learn to identify and assess the quality of your thoughts and feelings, you can begin to choose the ones you know are positive and that in turn keeps you motivated.
Also, remember there's virtually always something positive that can be found in the challenges we face. Bear in mind that the period of challenge is short and you will soon overcome the challenge. On a lighter note, spend a little time each day thinking of all the things you are looking forward to doing once you are free from these exams that life has to offer - though don't daydream for hours about this! Also, when you long for life without difficulties and challenges and you want to keep yourself motivated when faced with them, remind yourself that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Challenges are not here to stay and while they are there, they bring about self empowerment.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

You Are What You Speak

Words have power. Despite reassurances of the old childhood rhyme, "sticks and stones will break your bones, but words can never hurt you," we all know words can hurt.
, most of us try to refrain from saying hurtful things, but we can take a step further on the path to enlightment by being conscious of all the words we use. To become conscious of one's speech means to become aware of the power of words and the energy behind them.
Speaking consciously is very effective in bringing about positive change. You can actually change your life for the better, by being more aware of the things you say. For instance, if you're constantly putting yourself down, "I'm fat, clumsy, unpopular, etc." then you will no doubt feel as such. However, if you stroke yourself with positive affirmations, "I'm fit, athletic, friendly..." you will feel more positive about yourself to aspire to such admirable qualities.
Having a positive attitude and being aware of our words is equally important when speaking to others. Everyone knows how draining it is to be around people who complain,or gossip all the time. However, we are drawn like magnets to cheerful people who are free with compliments or make us laugh.
Be conscious of your words and your intentions in speaking. Speak truthfully, so that you truly mean and feel what you say. Try to be fully aware of those that you are speaking to and the effect of your words on them, this way you will be less likely to speak negatively.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Reason behind QWERTY keyboards

Why is the keyboard layout Q-W-E-R-T-Y and not simply A-B-C-D-F? Why were computer keyboards designed in the current format not in a alphabetical order. Is there any specific reason or it's just some random convention we are following?
It hasn’t been done randomly or just for fun, it has a very distinct and purposeful reason behind it.
The current format of the keyboard was devised long back in 1870’s by a gentleman named Christopher Sholes for the then typewriter.
Though, it definitely was not the first format to come up, it didn’t take much time to switch to this one.
Starting with lexicographic order i.e. A-B-C-D-E-F, after various trials and errors and taking hundreds of cases, Christopher Sholes gradually reached the Q-W-E-R-T-Y. It was really well received (evident from the fact that we still use it).
When the typewriter was invented, it used a metal bar to hold the character alphabets and the other end of the bar was attached to a linkage carrying a carriage with the coated ink.
When a key was struck, it would emboss its character on the paper placed beneath the carriage. However, when an operator learned to type at a great speed, a certain flaw was noticed.
When two letters were struck in quick succession, the bars of the typewriter would entangle and get jammed.
Christopher Sholes found a way out. He proposed that the letters of frequently used letter pairs should be in different rows.
For example, ‘C-H’, ‘S-T’, ’T-H’, ‘W-H’ and more.
He also formulated that to speed up the typing process, there has to be a regular alternation between two hands. So observing thousands of words, he placed the letters in way that most words would make use of both hands.
He also observed that almost every word in the dictionary carries a vowel.
According to him, the most frequently used vowel was ‘A’ and the most frequently used letter (non-vowel) was ‘S’. So he placed ‘A’ and ‘S’ together and chose to keep less common letters like ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘C’ around these.
This was complemented by placing fairly common letters like ‘M’, ‘N’, ‘L’, ‘K’, ‘O’, ‘P’ at right extremes to create a perfect alternation between both the hands.
All these factors tested with thousands of trials gave us the format that we still use and perhaps would be using till eternity.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Top 10 Reasons for Morning Exercise

Top 10 Reasons for Morning Exercise

Haven’t made up your mind for a morning workout yet? No problem! We have good reasons for you that will make you jump out of your bed and get into your trainers.
Before we give you the morning exercise “benefit list” it is important to understand the long term benefits of physical activity. If we look around us, we will find that almost two third of the adult population is either obese or overweight. One of the major factors of obesity is lack of physical activity.
Exercise is not only helpful in weight reduction but it also saves you from diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. It also improves your bone density and enhances your muscle strength. Moreover, regular exercise keeps depression away from you. A set of stretching exercises help increase your flexibility and reduce your chances of injuries.

Now let’s focus on the benefits of early morning workout:


If you want a consistent routine, then morning exercise is the best option for you. Researches show that 90% of the population with a regular exercise routine, are morning exercisers. Morning exercise enhances your ability to get up early and schedule your day ahead in a productive way.


The morning workout will fill up your body with tremendous amount of energy. If the first thing you do in the morning is exercise,  you will feel less fatigued throughout the day, proven by the researchers at the University of Texas. Thus, you can follow that old saying, “early to bed and early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise”.


Morning exercise helps combat food cravings. An experiment conducted at Brigham Young University proved that women following a 45 minute workout routine in the morning had a lesser craving for food. Moreover, people who exercise in the morning tend to eat less and make healthier choices of food throughout the day.


Morning exercise is very beneficial for a healthier brain. It has been proved by the researchers that morning exercise enhances your memory recall and other mental abilities. No need to rush for that “early morning cup of coffee”, a few minutes of exercise can substitute the “caffeine fix”. It has also been proven that your brain efficiency is increased and it lasts for almost 4 to 10 hours.


When you exercise, your body’s performance to deliver oxygen and other nutrients is boosted, as a result the health of your organs and muscles is enhanced. Morning exercise also promotes cardiovascular health.


Morning workout “jump starts” the rate of your metabolism and it remains elevated for 24 hours, as a result you burn more calories throughout the day. Studies reveal that the power of your body to burn fats is increased by 20%, if you exercise on an empty stomach.


Morning exercise gives you a sense of achievement, because you know you are taking good care of your body and mind. It keeps the stresses of your mind and you feel more relaxed throughout the day. When you exercise your body releases endorphins, a hormone associated with pleasure. This will help put you in a good mood throughout the day. Another stress relieving element of morning exercise is socializing. Yes! You can hit the gym with your best buddy or make new friends. Just unwind by sharing some juicy gossip while you work out.


For people with a very busy schedule it is difficult to take out time for a workout routine in the middle of the day. Early morning exercise is the best option for them. All you need to do is to make daily exercise routine, your first priority and wake up 30 to 45 minutes earlier. Morning exercise will help you maintain a better “work-life” balance.


It has been proven by researches that people who exercise on a daily basis not just enjoy quality sleep but also sleep for lesser hours. So instead of wasting your time sleeping, you can do something more productive.


Early morning workout means no more sweating throughout the day. Just a workout routine followed by a shower and voila!…. You end up with tidy looking hair, nice smelling body and a natural glow  (which is actually the workout flush).

Saturday, 8 August 2015

10 Bizarre Things Your Body does while You Sleep

Ever wondered what your body does when you fall asleep? While you are sleeping your body does a lot more than just dreaming and snoring. It is doing some things that might sound really bizarre. What’s that?? You will soon find out, but first just let us put you into deep, deep sleep (We are just asking you to imagine. Alright!).

Lie down and close your eyes and try to sleep. You have entered stage one of your sleep cycle. The scientists say that, there are four stages in a 90 minute sleep cycle. At this stage you are likely to wake up more easily because your muscles are not fully relaxed.

Now let’s begin our journey. Here are the 10 most bizarre things that are going to happen to your body while you are asleep.

1. Hypnagogic Jerk

So here you have it! The first bizarre thing that will happen to your body is the Hypnagogic Jerk. It will occur in the stage 1 of your sleep and can make your entire body shake. Now what happens is that, your body might misinterpret the sleep signals as falling and as a result, you might be awakened with a jolt. However, the scientists are still not very sure what actually causes the hypnagogic jerk. You can relax because it is completely harmless.

2. Temperature Drop

Now we take you to the stage two of your sleep cycle. You will spend half of the night at this stage and it’s not a very deep sleep. However, you will now become unaware of your surroundings. Your blood pressure and heart rate will slow down and there will be a drop in your body temperature also. Again, there is nothing to worry about as at this stage your vascular system is getting the rest it requires.

3. Hormone Production

Now you are falling into deepest sleep phase or shall we say that you have landed into stage 3 of your sleep cycle. At this stage your growth hormones get released. Growth hormones or HGH, regenerate the muscles, bone and almost every tissue of your body. Meanwhile, your blood sugar level will drop, that’s an indication that HGH is being released.

4. Your Breathing Stops. Yes!

You will spend 20% of your sleep cycle in this phase i.e. stage 3. It is where your muscles become completely relaxed and get loosen as a result the throat passage becomes narrow and your breathing slows down.

What’s more alarming is that 30% of the people stop breathing at this stage. You think it’s scary? There’s more scary stuff ahead.

You are more likely to snore at this stage if your nasal passage is blocked (reason could be a stuffy nose or trouble with your tonsils).

5. Sleep Talk

Another exciting thing that can happen during the stage 3 is that we might find you walking or talking while you are deep asleep. Sleep talking is actually a sleep disorder which occurs in 5% of the American population. Depression, illness and stress can also cause this condition. For most of the people, the session only lasts for about 30 seconds.

6. Bruxism

Not sure what Bruxism is? Clenching of teeth during sleep or Bruxism is very common in people who are under stress, or have a misaligned jaw. Many people discover this condition when they end up with sore muscles of the jaw or cracked teeth.

7. Your Height Increases

As we know that there are discs located in our spine which acts as a cushion for it. When we are in a standing position these discs are pressed down because of our body weight. While we sleep these discs get rehydrated and grow big as a result, there is an increase in our height. The doctors suggest sleeping in a fetal position in order to gain maximum height.

8. You Pass more Gas

Deep sleep results in the loosening of sphincter muscles, so you are likely to pass more gas while sleeping. Lucky for you that your sense of smell is reduced.

9. Sleep Paralysis

Now, as you move to the deepest stage of the sleep cycle or REM your arm and leg muscles will get paralyzed temporarily. The moment you wake up everything gets to normal. But there are situations when the paralysis lasts for a few seconds or even for a few minutes after you wake up. If you experience this situation do consult a physician as this could be indicating narcolepsy.

10. Your Eyes Twitch

While you are in the REM stage your eyes will constantly twitch i.e. they will move from side to side. The doctors are not very sure what causes this twitching but this is the phase where you will have most of your dreams. Here your 90 minute sleep cycle will get completed. If you take 8 hours sleep you will complete 5 sleep cycles. So you can wake up now!

This completes our list of 10 bizarre things your body does while you sleep

Monday, 3 August 2015

10 Strong Tips to Simplify Your life!!!!

Over the last decade or so life has consistently been enriched because of more and more facilities, on-going gadgets inventions and day by day increment in luxuries. This is quite exciting however during the same period of time, people have increased their love for materialistic things abruptly which has directly or indirectly reduced their overall happiness index. Now a days, we have more luxuries but less delights and high stress levels. We have more sugar, blood and heart patients then it used to be a decade back. The reason for all the stress and anxiety is simple that we are not living a simple life.

Below are some tips which can simplify your life and may amplify the happiness scale of your life.

1-    Avoid getting influenced: You don't have to follow every single trend in society. If your friend has purchased a new BMW, you don't need to buy a Mercedes to impress. Live for yourself not for others. If you purchase a high-end luxury car today, your love for this will end soon and you will be selling it at considerable financial loss though I am not forbidding to purchase luxury things once in a considerable duration of time.
2-   Avoid impulse buying: You don't need to buy every single gadget instantly which you like in this shop. Do your Needs Vs Wants analysis. Buy only if it is really increasing your peace of mind. Remember that now a days the standard life of every gadget (phone, tablet, laptop, jewelry etc) is more or less 6 months because of new and new products release by several companies.
3-   The 6 months Rule: Generally speaking, anything which has not been used in last 6 months will not be used in next 6 months most likely. Give such things (shoes, garments, toys, mobiles, house hold items) in charity. This will help spreading happiness in society and reducing your space at home.

4-   Avoid Credit Cards Usage: Avoid this as much as you can. Debt is a silent stress and eating up your mental health slowly. Your brain might get old while you are young at heart. You might develop high BP or sugar because of stress due to credit. Live a credit-free life.
5-   Learn to say No: Don't accept every single attractive offer from the bank representative or a car loan company. Do your "Needs Vs Wants" analysis. Careful spending is always recommended.
6-   Reduce too much social gatherings: Stay at home. Spend quality time with your spouse and kids for empowered relationships. You don't have to say yes every time to your friend who is coming to pick you from home to join another late night social get together.
7-   Reduce your love for money: Careful spending and saving is important but don't allow your brain to keep doing the calculations all day long. You love for money is pulling your brain strings and damaging your peace of mind silently. Stay away from too much thoughts about your financials.
8-   Less TV more Books: It is proven that people who watch more movies generate high level of stress. Read quality books to learn wisdom and attain high degree of happiness.
9-   Spend time with Nature: Instead of going to cinemas and malls repeatedly, spend time in parks. This will relax your brain, body and soul.
10- Change your eating habits: why eating lavish foods by visiting costly restaurants again and again in a week. The purpose of food is to fill your belly for some hours. So the suggestion here is to go for simpler and healthier food. Remember, most of the food items in the market are fried which are increasing your cholesterol level silently hence making you a heart patient in the long run!

Work on your real wealth and live a happy life !!!

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Pamban railway bridge

Pamban railway bridge was the first Indian  bridge which is built across the sea. It is generally referred  as The queen of Indian bridges . The efforts for built a bridge across Pamban channel (Palk strait) was proposed by 1870’s by british government  however the construction of Pamban bridge was commenced on 1911 and commissioned on 1914.

The bridge spans a length of 6776 feet (2.065 meters) and has 143 piers. There is a double leaf bascule  in the center of this bridge. This bascule section opens up and let the ships and boats to cross the pamban bridge over the sea.Based on the records averagely there are 10 to 15 large boats or ships (coast guard boats, cargo ships, container ships etc.,) pass beneath this bridge every month.

Astonishing Facts about Pamban Rail bridge

  • Second Longest sea bridge in India ( first longest till the opening of Bandra worli – sea link Mumbai on 2009).
  • The location of this bridge is world’s second highly corrosive environment next to Miami, US.
  • It is also Cyclone prone and high velocity wind zone.
  • The two hundred tonne bascule leaves are still operated manually by the workers .
  • This Rail bridge was shattered during the cyclone on December 26, 1964.
  • After the cyclone the Indian railway set a plan to repair the Pamban bridge , targeted in 6 months.
  • The bridge was renovated and restored again in just 46 days under the leadership of I.E.S officer E.sreedharan renowned as Metro man ( Recognition for this quick heal achievement he was given a Railway minister’s award, in that year.)
  • In 2014 Hundredth year celebration of the Pamban bridge was done

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

10 Inspiring Quotes By Late A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Not just the most eminent President of India and one of the most prolific scientists to have ever graced this land, late A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was one of the greatest humans being ever. The 84 year old man passed away recently and his death is one loss India will always bereave. This is a day India will never forget. The more you speak of this legend, the less it is. He has been an inspiration to thousands of youth, not just in India but all over the world all his life. We bring to you 10 most words of wisdom A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has ever said that will make you realize what this country has lost. R.I.P. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
“Man needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy the success.” 
 “Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.” 
 "All of us do not have equal talent. But , all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”
 “If you want to shine like a sun. First burn like a sun.” 
“All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds.”
"Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness."
 “Failure will never overtake me if my definition to succeed is strong enough”
 "Without your involvement you can't succeed. With your involvement you can't fail. " 
"Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life." 
“It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone” 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

8 Changes To Make If You Really Want To Be Successful

Nobody wants to be broke or to be struggling financially. Failure is never a decent destination, and thus we all try to avoid it. Yet on the subject of success, it seems you are falling behind and not getting it right even when you feel you are doing everything right. 
What is that extra factor or determinant that distinguishes the mediocre from the successful? 
What do you need to change now to improve your chances of success and become the person you have always wanted to be? 
Perhaps what you need to do is to change your course and set sail on the right channel to success. 
This is how you start:

1. Develop absolute clarity

It is easy to blame the government, your boss, a poor economy, etc. for keeping you from success. Clarity is important in taking charge of your life and determining your success. Know what you want and be 100 percent clear about it. By doing this, you can clear out all distractions and energy burners that seem to be taking you in the wrong direction.

2. Improve your relationships

It is not hard to figure out why certain people are failures – just stare at their circle of influence. If you are around five millionaires, you will be the sixth. If you are around five top athletes, you will be the sixth. If you are around five confident people, you will be the sixth. If you are around five intelligent people, you will be the sixth. Try to be the sixth man by improving your circle of influence. Make sure you draw closer to people that will drive you to success and not away from it.

3. Stop being busy rather be productive

People live busy lives and think that the more they work, the more successful they will become. They even take pride in the status of being busy. However, it is better for you to rethink the term “busy” or “hard work.” Being busy doesn’t make you more productive. Doing “smart” work is what’s necessary to be successful. Try to rearrange your priorities and either eliminate or delegate those activities that do not propel you to your goals.

4. Change your attitude

Whether it is towards work or towards challenges and obstacles that you will face, it is important to have the right attitude to meet with what will be presented to you. The right attitude builds your belief system and increases your confidence, character, and energy. People who are unsuccessful show poor attitude and lack charisma. Improve your attitude and you will attract success.

5. Take care of your health

Many do not understand this. They take their mental and physical health for granted. They get less sleep and eat unhealthy meals. To boost your performance and productivity, you have to learn to take care of your health and offer your body what it needs to take you to success.

6. Be organized

This means diligently following a routine and sticking to a schedule. Be organized, plan ahead, and stay consistent on the track to success. There will be many distractions; some can be really flattery and appealing, but success means sticking to what will work for you rather than what works for every other person.

7. Be passionate

Whatever you are doing must be done right. Strive for excellence rather than sticking to mediocrity. This is why passion is essential to becoming successful. You have to love and enjoy the process as you move on the journey to success. Every successful person is passionate about what they do.

8. Act now

The difference between successful people and those who are not successful is that unsuccessful people wait for things to happen. You can’t afford that. You have to dive into the ocean to engage in the swim. There cannot be a more perfect time to start journeying to success than now. Don’t wait. Don’t procrastinate. Go after your dreams.

Post comment below if you like it :))

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

!!!! 7 C's to avoid in life !!!!

Everyone one wants to stay happy in life but only small fraction of people
put efforts on the factors which can bring happiness. Some factors are
required to work on and some factors to be avoided... In this article 6
factors are discussed which are recommended to be avoided in order to
achieve extreme heights of happiness and peace of mind.

 This is one of the extreme ethical crimes I can think of. You conspire
when you plan secretly (alone or with others) against someone to do
something which is harmful and unlawful. In the court of humanity this is a
punishable act and nature always takes revenge form you for the things you
do against humanity.

 While healthy criticism helps improve things but most of the time you criticize with no clear
positive intention. The more you criticize this way, the more you pollute
your own mind and build up negative powers
which back fires in terms of added stress.
Also criticizing is an indication that you are not part of solutions
instead you are part of problems. So if you would like to live a happy life then no negative criticism please.

 Cursing is opposite of blessing which means the one who curses is away
from blessing. Both cursing and blessing are indirectly proportional to
each other. The more you curse people the more you make yourself away from
them and also from the blessings of Almighty. Control your thoughts

to control your tongue. Daily audit at the end of each day will help improve your habit
of cursing. This will improve your mental health and strengthen your inner
 Your complaining attitude reduces your social circle. When you
start complaining about circumstances, about people around you and so on, you give up your energies
to strive and eventually you weaken your relations with others and also lose your grip on your goals. This act degrades you in your social group and eventually you lose respect. Try speaking positive or
stay silent.
 Mind your own business. If you can't help don't complicate their problems. Don't confuse people by raising complicated questions. Speak up only if you have a positive advice and neat intention. Remember, giving advice is a  matter of honesty so put yourself in others' shoes; listen emphatically and then advice in the best interest of your companion.

 Corruption is a phenomenon of moral or economical deviation from the ideal. Corruption a world-wide social disease which has spread like jungle fire and
impacting millions of lives every day consequently polluting every society.
May it be financial corruption, Ethical corruption or Relationship
corruption, it is consistently polluting societies and families. The more
you earn with illicit acts the more you push yourself away from the state
of contentment. Illegal acts always have reaction exactly equal or more
than the magnitude of the actions you do.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Dumas Beach

Surat is the fastest growing business destination in the state of Gujarat. Surat has many beautiful beaches, ‘Dumas Beach‘ is one of them. Many people lost their lives here as per the belief of the local people. They also challenge you that, if you don’t believe in this story then spend a night at the beach to experience the real ghost. Dumas Beach was also reported as one of the most haunted places in the Gujarat state by the Economic Times.
As per the reports, so many people had been disappeared at the beach mysteriously and never come back. In the past, this place was used as “Hindu Burial Ground” and that’s why this place becomes haunted place of Surat.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Selfish deeds#1

Sone people say that do good deeds and get your tickets booked to heaven....
And if u do bad works.. Then you are bound to go to hell...
So does it mean that we are doing good deeds just for our goal to go to so-called heaven???